Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Make A Girl You Go To School With Like You?

There is a girl in your school who you like? How should you make her like you? Well, you're about to find out.
So, that girl (or these girls) can either be from your class, or not. It's much simpler if she goes to your class. But, in that case you have certain issues you have to deal with. Let's get into it.
So, if she goes to your class, be sure that you have the chance with her, or that she already likes you. Also, don't hook up if you think that you'll break up with her in short time period. It would be awkward then between you two. 
The biggest obstacle in this case is a significant danger that she might see you only as a friend! That happens because you spend much time together almost every day. The best way to stop this from happening is to bombard her with ideas of you two being more than friends, and also you must constantly flirt with her. Let her know what could happen, and how happy she would be with you.
If you're deep in the friend zone, you should distance yourself from her. Simply, you must stop being her friend and start being someone who she can't define. From that you'll progress to someone she wants to be with. It would be a good idea to hook up with some other girls, just so she can see that you are a demanded merchandise! 
But, because you go to class with her, you have some advantages. You know her. You know what guys she gets attracted to! Also, you can easily become a leader, alpha male in your class, and therefore become more attractive to her.
If she doesn't go to your class you have, obviously, smaller chances of slipping into the friend zone. You also have less information about her, and also have less chance to spend time with her. You'll have to be bolder, and ask her out very fast.Make sure she enjoys every minute that you're together with you, make sure that you get the signals, and - she's yours!
If you want more detailed info on how to make a girl like you, check out my website. You can do it right now, by clicking here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How To Make A Girl Like You If She Sees You Only As A Friend?

How to make a girl like you, if she considers you just as a friend? Keep on reading and find out how to get her from a friend to a girlfriend.
At the beginning, I must tell you that, in most of the cases, this is very important to achieve. Sometimes it's impossible. Still, in most cases, this can be done. 
Even though she might think that you're attractive, she just doesn't considers you as someone she can be with. It's also possible that she likes you, too, but that she's not sure if you like her, or that she doesn't want endanger your friendship. But, the reason is not important. What is important is figuring out how to make her like you!
Your advantage is that you know what she likes, what she finds attractive in a guy. Think about that, and realize what you must improve (and what you must eliminate) with yourself. Also, ignore if she tells you that she wants a "nice guy". Don't be a nice guy. Nice guys don't get laid a lot. Instead, pay attention to what kind of guys she dated in the past. 
Ok, we got that covered. What you need to do next is to, slowly and carefully, alter your behavior. During that process, make some distance between you two. Be less a friend, and more some cool and interesting guy. Take her somewhere new and exciting. Do something new and attractive together. Do less of a talking, and more of a doing.
She needs to start seeing you in a new light. As a potential boyfriend. As someone who is attractive to her.
Pay attention to signals you're getting from her in order to track progress. In one moment, you'll need to start showing her signs that you want more than a friendship. You need to implant that idea in her head. Start role-playing and flirting.
You can also talk about your "relationship". When the time is right, she will be yours. 
If you want more detailed info, check out my website that is about teaching you how to make a girl like you. You can do it right now, by clicking here.

How To Make Girls Like You? Improve Your Looks!

You are attracted to good looking girls, right? Right. Girls are attracted to good looking guys. So... you simply need to improve your looks in order to make girls like you!
Most of you had one or more times wanted to be with a girl who looks for in a guy everything that you have. But, you end up as her friend. And you wonder why. Well, it's because she wasn't attracted to you physically. And that's because you didn't look good enough.
You now realize, I hope, why you need to improve your looks? Cool. These are some stuff that you just need to pay attention to:
You need to lose weight. Obesity is a huge problem nowadays, but, even if you're not obese, you probably do have some extra weight. Start exercising! Start doing some sport! You'll lose weight, but you'll become more confident and more attractive! 
You need to build muscles. Girls love guys with great bodies. Don't overdo it, though. If you become like some professional bodybuilder, you'll only get attractive to female bodybuilders. And they're not sexy, right?
Take care of personal hygiene. Cut your hair. Cut your pubic hair. Shave. Smell good. Whiten your teeth. Use cosmetics for men. 
Show that you are confident. Keep your head up. Keep your posture straight. Don't be afraid of making a lot of eye contact or claiming your space.
Finally, dress great! Always dress better than competition! Dress different, but not too different. Dress fun, but not childish. If you're having troubles with buying clothes, consult some of your female friends, they will be happy to help.
If you want more information about how to make a girl like you, check out my website! You can do it right now, by clicking here.

Make That Special Girl Like You

There is this girl who you like. A lot. And you want to make her like you. Ok, today you're going to find out how to do it.
If you like her very much, there is a good chance that she noticed it. Or that she at least suspects it. Girls can sense these kinds of stuff. 
She might even like you too! But, how to know this for sure? 
You must find some signs of attraction. Most of them aren't verbal, they are parts of her's body language. If she blushes, strokes her hair, keeps the eye contact, laughs a lot, leans towards you, touches you (or herself), than she certainly likes you. She may also laugh at your jokes, give you compliments, ask personal questions, ask you to hang out, and so on. She may give you some more obvious signs: flirt openly, touch you in a way that will make you horny, dance dirty with you, ... If you recognize many of these signs with her, go and close the deal. 
But, she might not like you! She may see you just as a friend. She may like you, but not enough to consider being with you. She also may not like you at all! 
What should you do in these cases? Simply – you need to become more attractive to her. Find out what are your attractive and what your unattractive features. Emphasize the good ones, and eliminate (or mask) the bad ones. You also need here to spend quality time with her. Show her that you're someone she should be lucky to be with. Be confident, be cocky, be interesting and fun. And, when the time is right, if you've done everything right, she will be yours. 
What if she hasn't noticed that you like her? Well, you must make her aware of that as soon as possible. You'll than know what are your chances, and what to to to make that special girl like you!
If you want to learn more on how to make a girl like you, check out my website! You can do it right now, by clicking here!

How To Make A Girl Like You - Make Her Want You!

What is the best way to make her like you sexually? Well, today you're going to find out!
Firstly, you need to look very attractive! You need to be hot! Girls appreciate nice bodies or pretty faces as much as we do! So, start working out or doing some sports! Build some muscles. Especially take care of your arms, shoulders and abs. You'll see, sometimes having alone a fantastic body will get you girls! So, have a fantastic body!
You also need to look confident! Stand up, look up, don't be afraid to make a lot of eye contact! In fact, pay special attention to eye contact. Claim your space, don't hurry. Take what you deserve!
Also, take care of your face. Shave, get rid of any acne or ugly scars. If you have a beard, don't overgrow it, and make sure girls like it! Spend some time and money on your haircut. 

You should have an unique and cool clothing style. You need to dress good. Always dress better than competition
One other thing you need to take care of is your voice. Many girls find some guys very attractive, just because they have that deep, confident voice. You need to practice it, just like everything else. Don't stutter, don't be too loud, or to quiet. 
Don't be afraid to touch her. Touching her is extremely important. If you know how, when, and where to touch her, you'll make a girl like you much easier. If you have the chance, dance with her. It's sexy, and it's a chance to make it even sexier by touching her more freely. 
If you want to find out more information on how to make a girl like you, be sure to check out my website. You can do it right now, by clicking here.

How To Make A Girl Like You If You Are Younger?

So, you like an older girl? Well, who hasn't been there, right? The problem is that older girls generally don't like younger guys. There is a problem. But, don't worry, it's very possible to overcome it!
How to make a girl like you if you are younger?
Why don't the older girls like younger guys? That's what's important here. They see younger guys as immature! And they are mostly right. 
But, what is one thing that younger guys have that older girls find attractive? Well, younger guys are generally much more fun than older guys.
Obviously, there is a paradox. How to be seen as a mature guy, but at the same time as someone who's very fun to be with?
What you need to do is to become an alpha male. They are attractive to most girls out there! They are mature, confident, strong. They are also interesting, flirty & cocky, and fun! 
Also, you need to be an alpha if you want to stand out from other younger guys. If a girl you're after is good looking, she won't even consider hooking up with you if you if you don't stand out (in a good way, of course).
How to become an alpha male?

Develop leadership. Leadership brings success, confidence, money, better looks, and so on. Show her that you are a leader, and she'll connect you with all of that. She will also see you as someone who is powerful. And you know that power is the best aphrodisiac.

Be a leader in all your social circles. Be a leader with new people in your life. Be a leader around girls. The results will come.
If you want to find out how to become an alpha male, and how to make a girl like you, be sure to check out my website. You can do it right now, by clicking here.